OSHA investigators arrived in Corona, CA on Tuesday, November 14th 2017 and began an accident investigation which had occured previously at Plastics Industries, Inc.. A 46 year old man working as a Machine operator was injured on the job when the employee crushes finger between catwalk and fan box and late
Accident Date2017-11-03
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 7:50 a.m. on November 3, 2017, an employee was working on molding machine #2 in Line #2 and several bottles became stuck in the cooling bed. The employee used a grabber to remove one of the bottles. However, there was not enough room to remove the remaining bottles. The employee moved the catwalk with both hands to the right to make some more room. As the employee moved along the catwalk, he caught and crushed his right pinky between the catwalk and the cooling fan box. The employee was taken to Hill Point Medical Group Clinic where his fingertip was reattached. The employee's finger had to be amputated on December 21, 2017, due to gangrene. Hospitalization was not required.