Research and Development in the Physical Engineering and Life Sciences

Industry Summary

The Research and Development in the Physical Engineering and Life Sciences industry is experiencing greater than average employment growth as of late. In 2014 the government estimated a total of 576,297 workers, then just 12 months later it had climbed to 600,059, an increase of 4.12%. On average over the last five years, the Research and Development in the Physical Engineering and Life Sciences industry has a slightly higher OSHA reported accident rate (2% more) than the broader Scientific Research and Development Services Industry

OSHA investigators arrived in Morris, MN on Thursday, November 2nd 2017 and began an accident investigation which had occured previously at U.S. Department Of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, North Central Soil Conservation Resea. A 68 year old Agricultural had been injured when the employee's right hand was amputated by combine chopper blades
OSHA ID100447.015
Accident Date2017-10-31
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 11:00 a.m. on October 31, 2017, Employee #1 was attempting to clear corn stalks from a John Deere 9750 STS Combine. The retrofitted blower was not working properly. The employee turned off the combine with the key located in the cab, but did not perform the lockout procedure. Employee #1 moved around to the location of the chopper blades to clear more material from the blades. He reached into the still rotating blades, and sustained an amputation of his right hand.
On Monday, September 11th 2017 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Berkeley, CA at Bas Research. A 22 year old Technician had been injured when the
OSHA ID98946.015
Accident Date2017-09-08
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 4:03 p.m. on September 8, 2017, an employee was working under a fume hood with a container of homogenized plant material with ethanol in a 5,000 ml glass Pyrex beaker. The Pyrex beaker had been placed on a heating plate. A mixing rod on a fixed mixer machine was extended into this beaker in order to mix the plant material in a 200 proof ethanol solution. The employee was also manually turning the beaker while adding additional heat to the solution with a heat gun. The employee moved the beaker close enough to the mixing blade at the tip of the mixing rod such that the mixing blade impacted with the internal side of the glass beaker. The glass shattered upon impact and the flammable mixture of plant extract and ethyl alcohol sprayed out of the opening, contacting the heating element of the heat gun. An explosion occurred that contacted the employee's hands and torso. He sustained second degree burns, which he was hospitalized and received treatment.
OSHA investigators arrived in San Diego, CA on Monday, December 5th 2016 and began an accident investigation after learning of an incident at Mep Equine Solutions, Llc which had occured on Friday, December 2nd 2016. A 61 year old man working as a Engineering technician was killed on the job when the employee was struck on head by falling object, and was killed
OSHA ID91100.015
Accident Date2016-12-02
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt approximately 10:35 p.m. on December 2, 2016, maintenance workers were on th e roof of a 3-story office building making roofing repairs. They asked the emp loyee to tie a rope around the handle of a dolly so that they could hoist it up to the roof using a rope and pulley. The employee tied the rope around the ha ndle. A wheel from the dolly came loose and fell down three stories from the ro of, striking the employee on his forehead and forearm. The employee was taken t o urgent care to get check out. The employee was then referred to the local ho spital emergency room where tests were performed and was diagnosed with a mild concussion. The employee died in his sleep 30-days later.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 519
Inspection Rate: 0.2
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 39