Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing

Industry Summary

The Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing industry is experiencing greater than average employment growth as of late. In 2014 the government estimated a total of 69,607 workers, then just 12 months later it had climbed to 71,899, an increase of 3.29%. With OSHA reported accident rates of less than that of the the Food Manufacturing Industry as a whole, things have been relatively safe over the past five years.

OSHA investigators arrived in Saint Martinville, LA on Monday, November 19th 2018 and began an accident investigation after learning of an incident at Louisiana Sugar Cane Co-Op which had occured on Sunday, November 18th 2018. A 43 year old Machinery maintenance occupation had been killed when the employee's left arm was amputated in conveyor and was killed
OSHA ID111171.015
Accident Date2018-11-18
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 1:30 a.m. on November 18, 2018, an employee was using a high pressure air hose to blow bagass material off of the moving conveyer belt. The air hose and other material became caught in the moving conveyer. The employee's arm became caught in the hose and was pulled into the rotating conveyer roller and belt. The employee's left arm was severed from his body. The employee was killed.
OSHA investigators arrived in Pleasanton, CA on Wednesday, December 6th 2017 and began an accident investigation which had occured previously at Randstad Us, Llc. A 38 year old Production helper had been injured when the employee sustained partial finger amputation when caught in m
OSHA ID104139.015
Accident Date2017-11-10
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 5:50 p.m. on November 10, 2017, Employee #1 was helping assist the operator clear a jam on the Yeaman machine. The guard on the machine was inadequate, and allowed enough space for her hand and fingers to enter. The employees latex glove became caught in the rollers and took her fingers into the machine, while it was running. Employee #1's left index fingertip was amputated. This was her first day on this machine.
The accident investigation below was opened on Tuesday, October 17th 2017 by OSHA representitives in Bryan, OH which had occured previously at Spangler Candy Company. A 36 year old Machine operator had been injured when the employee's finger was amputated by rotating blade
OSHA ID99935.015
Accident Date2017-10-06
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 6:30 p.m. on October 6, 2017, an employee was working on the C4A hard candy line in the C-7 Kitchen. As she was waiting for a new batch to come through the line, she removed a guard to the infeed assembly to extract a piece of candy, measuring 2 to 3 inches, to prevent it from hardening or causing issues in the press. As she reached into the infeed section with her left hand, the cutting knife activated and partially amputated her left index finger.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 737
Inspection Rate: 2.65
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 83