The accident investigation below was opened on Thursday, November 16th 2017 by OSHA representitives in Downey, CA after learning of an incident at Champion Dodge Llc which had occured on Thursday, October 26th 2017. A 33 year old Automobile mechanic had been injured when the employee crushes finger when caught by automotive lift and a
Accident Date2017-10-26
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 10:45 a.m. on October 26, 2017, an employee was using an automotive lift to perform some maintenance work on a customers vehicle that was tagged inoperative. The employee lifted the vehicle, performed his maintenance, and attempted to lower the lift. The lift would not lower itself and the employee determined that the cable which opens the latch on the far side was broken and would need to be pulled back far enough to allow the vehicle to descend. The employee attempted to do so using his left hand and, as the vehicle began to descend, it caught the latch and pulled the employee's hand towards the lift and crushed his left hand's middle finger between the latch clamp and the vehicle lift frame. The employee was treated at the Downey PIH Emergency Room and admitted to the surgical center where the tip of his finger was amputated. The employee was hospitalized.