Industrial Truck Tractor Trailer and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing

Industry Summary

The Industrial Truck Tractor Trailer and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing industry is experiencing greater than average employment growth as of late. In 2014 the government estimated a total of 22,904 workers, then just 12 months later it had climbed to 23,872, an increase of 4.23%. With OSHA reported accident rates of less than that of the the Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing Industry as a whole, things have been relatively safe over the past five years.

The accident investigation below was opened on Wednesday, September 13th 2017 by OSHA representitives in Greene, NY after learning of an incident at The Raymond Corporation which had occured on Wednesday, September 6th 2017. A 43 year old had been injured when the employee sustained fractured toe when struck by forklift
OSHA ID98965.015
Accident Date2017-09-06
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 9:30 a.m. on September 6, 2017, Employee #1 was standing at the small parts roller deck. The roller cart needed to be moved, so a coworker got into the forklift to move it. The steering on the forklift was reversed from what the operator was accustomed to. The operator turned the wheel to right, but it went left, striking Employee #1, and fracturing his left big toe. The employee was hospitalized for treatment.
On Thursday, August 31st 2017 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in New Bremen, OH at Crown Equipment Corporation. A 25 year old man working as a Laborer was injured on the job when the employee's finger was crushed in shear machine; fingertip lat
OSHA ID98686.015
Accident Date2017-08-29
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 9:00 a.m. on August 29, 2017, Employee #1 was cutting sheet metal with a shear machine. The employee was reaching into the machine when he activated the foot pedal, causing the machine's material holders to engage. The machine crushed the employee's right middle digit at the first knuckle. He was taken to the hospital, but the finger tip could not be saved and was amputated.
On Tuesday, January 24th 2017 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in New Bremen, OH at Crown Equipment Corp.. A 51 year old man working as a Machine operator was injured on the job when the employee sustained fractured and lacerations in unguarded pre
OSHA ID92429.015
Accident Date2017-01-17
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 10:24 a.m. on January 17, 2017, Employee #1, a press brake operator, was ope rating a Cincinnati Inc. press brake, Serial Number 52916. The press, operated by a foot pedal, was equipped with Link Electric Black Max light curtains, Mod el LL-MAX-18-AS and Serial Number 8582. There were press setup configurations t hat required the use of a work support. The employer utilized light curtain bla nks to allow the press to be operated with the support when necessary. The bla nks were installed by the operator who screws them hand-tight onto a bracket th at is on the light curtain, and then used a key, which was always kept in the l ight curtain box, to program the curtains to run with the blanks. A brake oper ator on a previous shift utilized a light curtain blank for an order, but the b lanks were not removed after completion of the job and removal of the work piec e support, or prior to Employee #1s shift. The blank loosened and fell vertic ally behind the bracket where it went unseen by Employee #1. With the section of the light curtain blanked, and with the work piece support removed, the empl oyee was in the point of operation at the time the press was cycled. The press was not adequately guarded and allowed the employee to reach through to the po int of operation where the key was readily available to bypass the guarding. E mployee #1 sustained fractures and lacerations to three fingers on his left han d and was hospitalized for his injuries.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 328
Inspection Rate: 6.39
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 22