Savings Institutions

Industry Summary

With recent employment losses of over -7.23%, The Savings Institutions industry has been taking a real beating. The last reported numbers showed about 145,922 employees working within the industry which is a shocking decrease considering the numbers were reported at 157,295 in 2014. All told there are a total of 11,004 businesses in operation with the Savings Institutions industry. With OSHA reported accident rates of less than that of the the Depository Credit Intermediation Industry as a whole, things have been relatively safe over the past five years.

The accident investigation below was opened on Friday, February 27th 2015 by OSHA representitives in Jamestown, ND after learning of an incident at Unison Bank which had occured on Friday, February 20th 2015. A employee working as a was injured on the job when the other fall to lower level less than 6 feet
Accident Date2015-02-20
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeAn employee was working at approximately six feet in height when he fell from an A-frame ladder. The employee suffered a head injury requiring in-patient hospitalization.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 46
Inspection Rate: 0.01
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 1

Common Tools/Equipment

Injured Body Part