Credit Unions

Industry Summary

Between 2014 and 2015, the Credit Unions industry saw employment growth of only 2.69%. There are an average of 15 workers at each of the 16,201 establishments in the United States. Over the past 5 years this industry has recorded an accident rate of over 2 times (-100% more) the average for the Depository Credit Intermediation Industry.

The accident investigation below was opened on Tuesday, November 30th 2010 by OSHA representitives in Redwood Shores, CA at Provident Credit Union. A Bank teller had been injured when the employee becomes ill from unidentified gas exposure
OSHA ID202508065
Accident Date2010-11-24
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeOn November 24, 2010, employees of a credit union in San Ramon, CA indicated tha t they smelled gas in the building, after arriving at work at approximately 8:30 a.m. Employee #1 was sick throughout the morning, with symptoms such as light h eadedness, nausea, a burning sensation in the nose, and vomiting. Her condition became more serious shortly after the credit union office was evacuated and clos ed. The local fire department was contacted at approximately 11:40 a.m. When the y arrived at approximately 11:44 a.m., they provided medical assistance to Emplo yee #1, who was visibly ill. The San Ramon Valley Fire Department transported Em ployee #1 to Kaiser Walnut Creek Hospital Emergency Department, and they arrived at approximately 12:18 p.m. Employee #1 was examined and given tests but was re leased at 6:45 p.m., with no evidence of illness related to the unidentified gas release and exposure.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 47
Inspection Rate: 0.02
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 1

Injured Body Part