The accident investigation below was opened on Wednesday, March 20th 2019 by OSHA representitives in Alton, IL at Godfrey Fpd. A 40 year old Firefighting occupation had been killed when the one employee was killed, three othered are injured in fire
Accident Date2019-03-05
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 4:30 p.m. on March 5, 2019, four employees, who were firefighters, were working to extinguish a fire at a residence. While standing at the base level of the residence, near the garage door, a brick wall that extended an approximate 20 feet collapsed. All four employees were busied by the falling debris. One employee was killed as a result of injuries to his head, neck, and chest, while the other three employees sustained unspecified injuries, requiring hospitalization.