The accident investigation below was opened on Wednesday, June 21st 2017 by OSHA representitives in Middleville, MI at Bradford White Corporation. A 63 year old man working as a Machinery maintenance occupation was injured on the job when the employee's fingered are amputated in roller conveyor
Accident Date2017-05-24
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt approximately 12:00 a.m. on May 24, 2017, Employee #1, a skilled tradesman, was tasked with fixing a problem on a roller conveyor. He had removed the guard on the conveyor to access the chains for maintenance. Employee #1 was feeling the air hose on the conveyor with his left hand for leaks. Once he found the leak, Employee #1 pulled his left hand back out. One of the conveyor chains that drives the roller conveyor caught and amputated four fingers on his left hand. Employee #1 was transported to a medical center, where he underwent treatment on the multiple finger amputation and was then hospitalized.