On Thursday, December 10th 2009 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Havana, FL which had occured previously at Teligentems, L.L.C.. A employee working as a Welder was killed on the job when the worker cutting tops off of metal drumjs died in explosion
Accident Date2010-01-02
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeOn January 2, 2010, a welder was using an oxygen/acetylene torch to cut the tops from two, 55-gallon metal drums. The open-top drums were to be used as burn bar rels. Previously, these two drums contained isopropyl alcohol. The welder cut of f the top of the first drum without mishap. When he was about to cut the second drum, a coworker noticed that the drum still had the plugs in place so that the drum could not vent. The coworker told the welder to be sure to vent the drum. T he welder took the suggestion lightly, and reportedly said "No problem, I'll jus t put a hole here", and contacted the center of the top of the drum with the tor ch's flame. Because the drum was not vented and had not been thoroughly cleaned of isopropyl alcohol, the drum exploded and ruptured at both ends. The welder re ceived second- and third-degree burns over 75-80 percent of his body. He was tak en to a local hospital, and later to a special burn hospital, where he died that day from complications relating to his injuries.