The accident investigation below was opened on Wednesday, June 5th 2013 by OSHA representitives in Anaheim, CA which had occured previously at Continental Vending Inc. A employee working as a employee was injured on the job when the employee geted dizzy while at work and geted hospitalized
Accident Date2013-06-05
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeOn June 5, 2013, Employee #1, of Continental Vending Inc., became dizzy and required hospitalization. Employee #1 became ill while performing these duties of maintenance, servicing, and re-stocking vending machines at Vans Distribution Center. Employee #1 was at the vending machine room adjacent a warehouse when he became ill. During the incident Employee #1 was pushing around a cart that contains the goods he stocks the machines with. There were no known factors causing his illness.