The accident investigation below was opened on Sunday, April 24th 2011 by OSHA representitives in Sioux City, IA after learning of an incident at Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc. which had occured on Thursday, April 14th 2011. A employee had been injured when the employee's finger was amputated by sleeve entangled in router
Accident Date2011-04-14
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt approximately 9:30 a.m. on April 14, 2011, Employee #1 was buffing an AFO (ap parently ankle foot orthosis) plastic brace, apparently with a Trautman router t hat was used to shape and smooth prosthetic supplies. Employee # 1 was wearing a nylon sleeve on her left arm, and it got tangled in the rotating buffer cone. T he nylon sleeve was pulled down Employee #1's arm, and it twisted around her lef t ring finger, just above the finger nail. The nylon cut into Employee #1's fles h, and the twisting action broke her bone and amputated her left ring finger at the distal interphalangeal joint. The bone was hanging by the pad of flesh on th e underside of Employee #1's finger. Employee #1 exited the buffer room, while h olding the injured hand with her other hand. Employee #1 approached a coworker a nd said, "I need to go to the hospital". The coworker got car keys and told anot her coworker that Employee #1 was hurt. The coworker took Employee #1 to St. Luk e's Hospital. The other coworker put on gloves and used SaniZide Plus Germicidal Solution to clean up the blood.