Jewelry Stores

Industry Summary

The Jewelry Stores industry has shown some reduction in numbers lately, with employment losses of -0.29% between 2014 and 2015 (the last reported data). There are currently 21,038 firms engaged in business within this industry and on average, each establishment employs 6 workers.

OSHA investigators arrived in Trenton, NJ on Monday, June 15th 2009 and began an accident investigation at Aabhushan Expts Pvt Ltd Dba Aabhushan Fam Jewelers. A employee working as a Precious stone was killed on the job when the employee died of chemical exposure or heart attack
OSHA ID201312030
Accident Date2009-06-15
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeOn June 15, 2009, Employee #1, a store owner, was heard gasping for air inside a locked restroom by a passing worker. The worker kicked the restroom door open a nd found Employee #1 lying on his back, on the floor, and unconscious. The worke r then dragged Employee #1 out of the restroom and summoned assistance. A securi ty systems installer who was in a nearby office helped the worker carry Employee #1 to the front of the store. Employee #1 died, and the death was attributed ei ther to a heart attack or cyanide poisoning. The investigation revealed no chemi cal odor in the restroom, on Employee #1, or in the surrounding area; however, a hazmat team found a few ounces of a cyanide chemical inside a bucket in the res troom.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 91
Inspection Rate: 0.04
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 1