On Wednesday, November 14th 2018 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Moab, UT after learning of an incident at Intrepid Potash-Moab, Llc which had occured on Saturday, November 10th 2018. A 49 year old had been killed when the three employees are electrocuted when truck contacted power
Accident Date2018-11-10
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 12:15 p.m. on November 10, 2018, three maintenance employees were removing slurry pump barrel from the number 3 pump pit, using a GEHL DYNALIFT telescopic boom industrial truck. The pump barrel was suspended from a industrial truck by a metal chain wrapped around one fork of the truck. While attempting to the position pump barrel for maintenance, near a service truck, the industrial truck contacted 12,470 volt overheard power transmission line. Three employees were electrocuted. Two employees were pronounced dead at the scene, and one employee was transported to a hospital burn unit, but died of his injuries three days later.