OSHA investigators arrived in Commerce, CA on Monday, August 14th 2017 and began an accident investigation at Wiretech, Inc.. A 62 year old man working as a Misc. metal was injured on the job when the employee fell into acid tank and suffered chemical burns
Accident Date2017-08-14
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt approximately 5:15 a.m. on August 14, 2017, an employee was working alone at the time, saw that there was a lot of accumulated water on the floor and the pumps were running, which was not the usual situation on a Monday morning. The employee climbed up onto the side of the tanks in the cleaning line to inspect the main pipe above the tanks and to open the main valve to release water to try to determine where the leak was. The employee turned on the city water valve, then walked along the back edges for a few feet and fell into a 4-ft wide by 11-ft long by 7-ft deep tank of 5% sulfuric acid (pH