Industry Summary
As of the last reported data from 2015, there are 128,579 workers employed at 2,272 Ventilation Heating Air-Conditioning and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing establishements in the United States. The industry is slowly growing, adding 40 jobs in the 12 months between 2014 and 2015. On average, each business employs 57 workers. On average over the last five years, the Ventilation Heating Air-Conditioning and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing industry has a slightly higher OSHA reported accident rate (33% more) than the broader Machinery Manufacturing Industry
On Tuesday, November 7th 2017 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Houston, TX after learning of an incident at Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. which had occured on Saturday, November 4th 2017. A 37 year old Machine operator had been injured when the
Accident Date2017-11-04
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 3:45 a.m. on November 4, 2017, an employee was operating a roll forming machine to make heating and air galvanized steel sleeves. The employee was clearing a jam at one of the roll forming stations when a dye punch came down and struck his left hand, amputating it. The employee was hospitalized.
The accident investigation below was opened on Monday, October 30th 2017 by OSHA representitives in Portland, OR at 317718628 - Imperial Brown Inc. A 61 year old man working as a Fabricating machine operator was injured on the job when the employee's crushes two fingered as brakes close against them
Accident Date2017-10-19
Accident DegreeNon Hospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 11:00 a.m. on October 19, 2017, an employee was using a pneumatic powered box and pan sheet metal brake. The employee's left hand ring and middle fingers were crushed when the brake clamps closed and caught his fingers between the first and second knuckles. The employee was transported to Emanuel Hospital by ambulance where he was treated for finger amputations and released.
The accident investigation below was opened on Tuesday, October 24th 2017 by OSHA representitives in West Chester, PA which had occured previously at Lasko Products, Inc.. A 45 year old Machine operator had been injured when the employee's finger was amputated by moving parts
Accident Date2017-10-16
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 11:00 a.m. on October 16, 2017, Employee #1 was fixing a collar to be installed on a shaft. The ram that pushes the shaft onto the stationary collar actuated while one of the employee's hands was in the point of operation. The employee sustained an amputated middle finger.