Other Tobacco Product Manufacturing

Industry Summary

OSHA investigators arrived in JACKSONVILLE, FL on Tuesday, June 21st 2016 and began an accident investigation at Swisher International, Inc.. A employee working as a was injured on the job when the caught in running equipment or machinery during maintenance, cleaning
Accident Date2016-06-21
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeThe employee was performing maintenance on the PMB SUK Cigar Over Roll Machine when he accidentally hit the jog switch which turns on the machine. His right hand was then caught between the wrapping device and the wrapper die roller assembly. He was admitted to the hospital for surgery to repair the laceration and fracture to his right hand.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 36
Inspection Rate:
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 1

Common Tools/Equipment

Injured Body Part

Task being performed