Apparel Knitting Mills

Industry Summary

Suffering major job losses, employees within the Apparel Knitting Mills industry have got to be on edge. With 2015 employment numbers coming in at 13,035, The industry has seen a decline of -3.62%. This change put 490 folks onto the unemployment line. With OSHA reported accident rates of less than that of the the Apparel Manufacturing Industry as a whole, things have been relatively safe over the past five years.

OSHA investigators arrived in Orwigsburg, PA on Friday, March 14th 2014 and began an accident investigation at Classtex Knitting Mills Inc. A 66 year old man working as a Knitting was killed on the job when the employee was run over by a delivery truck
OSHA ID59368.015
Accident Date2014-03-14
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeOn March 14, 2014, Employee #1 was standing on the ground guiding a Glen Raven Logistics tractor trailer truck that was driven by a 75-year old co-worker into the dock to make a delivery. Another co-worker, who witnessed the incident, st ated that Employee #1 walked along the side of the truck yelling, "no, no, no", to the driver because the driver had hit the neighbor's fence and bushes. The n the co-worker (witness) went inside. Later the driver was inside and Employe e #1 did not come inside. When the co-worker went outside to find Employee #1, he found him lying on the side of the alley that led to the dock. He reported it looked like Employee #1 had been run over and was killed by the truck.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 55
Inspection Rate: 0.99
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 1

Common Tools/Equipment