OSHA investigators arrived in Myrtle Beach, SC on Tuesday, March 26th 2019 and began an accident investigation after learning of an incident at 73983 - Bridges Custom Homes which had occured on the same day. A 47 year old man working as a employee was killed on the job when the
Accident Date2019-03-26
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 2:14 p.m. on March 26, 2019, an employee was tasked with rigging a laminated beam with chokers to a 30 ton crane. The beam was located close to an overhead 7,200 volt powerline and the employee was signaling a crane operator. As the employee was attaching the chokers to the crane hook, the crane operators view was obstructed and the crane cable struck the overhead powerline. This resulted in the rigging employee being killed by the electrocution.