On Tuesday, February 28th 2017 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Waterford, PA which had occured previously at Troyer Growers, Inc.. A 44 year old Farm worker had been injured when the employee was injured when the metal frame of a building coll
Accident Date2017-02-28
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 9:35 a.m. on February 28, 2017, an employee was making preparations to lift a section of pre-built beams. Before any connection was made to move the beams/structure, the materials collapsed and struck the employee. He sustained multiple injuries that included fractures to his skull, collarbone, ribs, vertebrae, leg, and ankle, as well as a punctured lung. The employee was hospitalized and received treatment for his injuries.The incident investigation revealed that the beams requiring movement, were previously connected with bolts that had been removed just before the employee began making preparations for the lift.