Cattle Feedlots

Industry Summary

Between 2014 and 2015, the Cattle Feedlots industry saw employment growth of only 1.44%. There are an average of 13 workers at each of the 1,104 establishments in the United States. Over the past 5 years this industry has recorded an accident rate of over 2 times (110% more) the average for the Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming including Feedlots Industry.

On Friday, January 19th 2018 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Amarillo, TX which had occured previously at Friona Industries Lp. A 55 year old Laborer had been killed when the employee was killed when caught between two vehicles.
OSHA ID102403.015
Accident Date2018-01-19
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 7:15 a.m. on January 19, 2018, an employee was attempting to stop a semi from running into a pickup truck. In his attempt to stop the semi, he was caught between the semi and the truck. The employee was taken to a nearby hospital where he passed away.
The accident investigation below was opened on Monday, August 29th 2016 by OSHA representitives in OAKLEY, KA which had occured previously at Pioneer Feed Yard. A had been injured when the other fall to lower level less than 6 feet
Accident Date2016-08-29
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeAn employee slipped and fell 2.5 feet off the semi-truck. The employee was hospitalized for broken ribs and a punctured lung.
OSHA investigators arrived in MALTA, ID on Wednesday, August 24th 2016 and began an accident investigation which had occured previously at J. R. Simplot Company. A employee working as a was injured on the job when the other fall to lower level, unspecified
Accident Date2016-08-24
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeAn employee was standing on a small trailer loading irrigation pipe, slipped and fell to the ground breaking bones in the back.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 171
Inspection Rate: 1.05
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 31

Location of Accident

Task being performed