The accident investigation below was opened on Monday, March 24th 2014 by OSHA representitives in Dallas, TX at Southwest Airlines Co. A employee working as a Baggage porter was injured on the job when the employee's finger was struck by hitch and was amputated
Accident Date2014-02-24
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt approximately 4:15 p.m. on February 24, 2014, Employee #1 was working at an airport and for an airline company. He was trying to hitch a baggage cart. As he lined up the hitch with his left hand, the hitch struck his middle finger and crushed it in between the hitch and the tow, causing the partial amputation of the finger. Employee #1 was transported to a medical center, where he was treated and hospitalized for the partial finger amputation.